Candidates' Forum: Questions for Your Candidates for Governor

Yesterday, Campaign for Vermont submitted to gubernatorial candidates Dunne, Galbraith, Lisman, Minter and Scott a series of questions. Campaign for Vermont will publish the candidates’ answers on our website and Face Book page on or about July 19th and in time for you to consider and engage candidates on these issues before the August 9th primary. Campaign for Vermont was assisted in the development of these questions by volunteers and all questions were reviewed for substance, fairness, importance and non-partisanship by the following well rounded group of knowledgeable volunteers: Bill Schubart, Neale Lunderville, David Coates and Bill Gilbert.

Forum questions focus upon these important areas:

  • The Vermont State Budget
  • Act 46 and Property Taxes
  • Health Care
  • Ethics in State Government
  • Energy Policy
  • Strategic Planning

These issue areas are the “wheel house” of Campaign for Vermont. Each question is preceded by a “Context statement” grounded in the realities facing all Vermonters.  We believe that the “Context Statements” are informative in themselves and responses allow candidates the opportunity for deeper presentations than the 30 second sound bites and talking points which often comprise the daily fare of political campaigns.

In Vermont the intimacy of our government likely affords you opportunities to meet candidates face-to-face over the coming weeks and months. We hope this Forum will help you in deciding who will best serve Vermont.

Here is a link to the Forum questionnaire. 

Be Well,
Campaign for Vermont

We believe Campaign for Vermont offers substantive insight, information and advocacy on a non-partisan basis relative to Vermont's affordability crisis. We hope you have found value in the above presentation. A contribution of $50 dollars, $100 dollars or more would be greatly appreciated and well used to keep us working hard for you. We do recognize that not all of our supporters can afford this so a donation in any amount is highly valued. Please support Campaign for Vermont with a donation.

And visit us on Facebook or Twitter too!

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