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Email Blast Sent to Supporters on October 12, 2017. Subscribe!


We were very excited to interview Governor Phil Scott last week about his first nine months in office. We covered a range of topics including an innovative approach to rural economic development called Vermont Outdoor Recreation Collaborative, cleaning up our waterways, his $26 million teachers health care proposal, and we also got is take on an EB-5 special prosecutor. 


 If you missed the live stream of the interview, you can find this and previous interviews at


This month the newly minted Vermont Ethics Commission will meet for the first time. This is a step forward as we become the 48th state to provide oversight over our government officials. While this is only a first step, it is an important one on the road to restoring faith and trust in state government. We must be assured that public officials are working in Vermonters best interest.

Campaign for Vermont has been advocating for the creating of ethics standards since 2013 and we will continue to push for a more transparent and accountable government and stronger ethics laws to hold public officials accountable.


In the News
Vermont Attorney General, TJ Donovan, wants a class action lawsuit by over 800 slighted EB-5 investors thrown out. Donovan claims that the allegations are too broad and don’t contain specifics about the type of fraud allegedly committed by state officials in the Agency of Commerce and Community Development and the Vermont EB-5 Regional Center.



Vote for Vermont
This week’s episode of Vote for Vermont features a conversation with grassroots organizer and author Meredith Angwin to learn how to become an advocate for issues you care about.


We’ll be back in touch soon, but in the meantime don’t forget to follow on Facebook and Twitter, we always welcome your comments and feedback. And, tune in Thursday night for our interview with Governor Scott! 

If you support our mission of creating prosperity for all Vermonters, please consider making a donation.

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