Yves Behar once said that “advertising is the price companies pay for being unoriginal.” The same holds true for political campaigns. Join us as CFV research associate and international speaker, Asher Crispe, teaches you how to use evidenced based neuroscience and the psychology of persuasion to be heard above the noise, garner earned media, and shift the minds of voters, donors, and other key stakeholders.
BONUS: Candidates who are invited to Session IV will have the opportunity to pitch to some of Vermont's top donors at the cocktail reception that follows. This will be a pitch-style format where each candidate will have an opportunity to give a 1-2 minute pitch to the group. We will record each pitch and provide the footage back to candidate for use on social media or other outlets on the campaign trail. The pitch sessions will be followed by an opportunity to mingle with donors and other candidates.
4:00pm - Doors Open
4:30pm - Event Start
5:30pm - Cocktail Reception
6:30pm - Doors Close (candidates are encouraged to take advantage of nearby dinner locations with other participants)
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