FY2024 Property Taxes (H.492) - Overview
The annual property tax bill was introduced by the House Ways & Means Committee on March 29, 2023. This bill sets the yield amount for homestead property tax rates (key determining factor in local property tax rate calculations) and also sets the non-homestead property tax rate.
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Housing Opportunities for Everyone (S.100) - Overview
S.100 was introduced by the Senate Economic Development Committee in February. After moderate revisions, the bill was passed by both the House and Senate and delivered to the Governor on May 30th, 2023.
The bill intends to address the state's housing crisis by cracking down on municipal zoning that is seen as exclusionary and by making significant investments in low-income housing stock. Critics question the effectiveness of the bill without significant revisions to the Act 250 land use regulations to make development easier.
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Expanding Apprenticeships (H.452) - Overview
The bill expanding Vermont's Apprenticeship programs, H.452, passed both House and Senate in the final days of the legislative session and is on its way to the Governor for signature. It was an important bill for the Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL) and the Administration. This bill (which is 52 pages) puts current practice into statute to ensure compliance with the federal law.
Additionally, these changes needed in order to leverage federal grants, to modernize the system, to provide support for employees, to ensure the programs are doing what they say they are doing, and to give VDOL the authority to manage the programs.
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