Fighting for YOU

Email sent to supporters October 16, 2016



We have been busy the past couple weeks reaching out to legislative candidates across the state to get their responses to our 2016 Candidate Questionnaire covering four key policy areas: budget, education, health care, and ethics. You can view the questionnaire on our website:  

We are looking forward to getting responses from hundreds of candidates for the legislature. If you aren’t sure who your legislator is or even what district you are in, the legislative website can help you out:

Campaign for Vermont is excited by the opportunity for change this year. New leadership in the House and Senate and a new administration brings new opportunities for reforms in Education funding, government ethics and accountability, health care, and economic prosperity. 

Your voice is important. People speaking out for issues they believe in is how our country keeps moving forward, and Vermont is no different. Campaign for Vermont is your voice in Montpelier. We hope that you will join with us and make sure your voice is heard. 

We have launched a challenge to get 100 new Supporting Partners by the end of the year. For a small monthly donation Supporting Partners get benefits such as free admission to events and special legislative updates and help to support an organization that is effecting positive change in their state. 

Your support of $10, $25, or $50 a month allows us to keep fighting for you in Montpelier. 


Be well, 

Benjamin Kinsley
Executive Director
Campaign for Vermont Prosperity

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