Advisory Council

Our Advisory Council is a group of subject matter experts that help guide the policy development and advocacy efforts of the organization. We rely on them as trusted resources to guide the future of our state.


The purpose of the Advisory Council is to facilitate the engagement of members of the Vermont community in the work of Campaign for Vermont by providing them with an opportunity to provide valuable feedback and technical assistance in the policy work of the organization. This will primarily take the form of acting as a sounding board for the Board of Directors and by allowing the members of the Board to test their strategic thinking and access expertise or connections that may not be readily available via other means. External advisors shall be appointed for their knowledge and direct experience to problem solve, explore options/concepts and strategic direction on the principal issues identified by Campaign for Vermont’s Board of Directors, which unless otherwise amended by the Board shall be economic development, sustainability, education, human resources, government transparency and ethics.


Advisory Council Structure

The Advisory Council is a group of experts who lend their skills, guidance, and knowledge from time-to-time. When Members of the Board of Directors identify one or more individuals with the qualifications and expertise to serve on the Advisory Board, they present such nominee(s) to the full Board for consideration. The Advisory Board meets four times annually, at least one of those meetings is attended by Campaign for Vermont’s Board of Directors.  Members of the Advisory Council elect, from among its members, a Chair who will serve a two year term and be eligible for reappointment not to exceed three terms.  The Board of Directors also select a representative from within its members to act as a liaison between the Board and the Advisory Council.


Advisory Nature

The Advisory Council shall have no power to exercise any authority of the Board but rather lends assistance to the Board as requested and brings forward policy ideas for the Board to consider. The recommendations or actions (if any) of the Advisory Council (or any of its members) constitutes non-binding and non-partisan input on the principal issues identified by the Campaign for Vermont Board and related legislative bills, amendments, policies and regulations depending on their individual areas of expertise.  There is no fiduciary duty or other liability on the part of the Advisory Council (or any of its members) to Campaign for Vermont; it being expressly acknowledged that the responsibility for managing Campaign for Vermont shall at all times be vested exclusively in the Board.

The Advisory Council is provided with all relevant information through the President of the Board to the Chair of the Advisory Council for dissemination to the Advisory Council.  Relevant information shall be defined as but it not limited to information on any new programs or initiatives, minutes and other relevant documents of the Board, and necessary financial information as appropriate.

6 directory listings
Meredith Angwin
Author, chemist, and energy advocate.
David Kelley
| Lawyer
Lawyer, school board member, debate coach, and land use expert.
Timothy Loucks
Retired business executive and consultant.
Mill Moore
Retired nonprofit executive. Education policy, marketing, and communications professional.
John Pelletier
Educator and financial policy expert.
Matt Swenson
A conservationist, mental health facilitator, and compelling storyteller.

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