CFV Hiring Executive Director
Campaign for Vermont is hiring! After years of being a board-run organization we are looking to staff up again to address major legislative initiatives.
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Letter to PUC on Clean Heat Standard
Dear Public Utility Commission,
As your public comment period on Act 18 ends, we wanted to reiterate the importance of Vermonters knowing what the cost of this potential program will be. As we endeavor to combat the sources of climate change and the associated impacts on the daily lives of Vermonters, we, as citizens of this state, deserve to know what the costs and benefits of the Clean Heat Standard will actually be so that public policy makers can best evaluate how to deploy our limited resources for maximum impact.
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Pat Mcdonald published Career and Technical Education (H.304) - May 1, 2024 in News 2024-05-05 19:24:42 -0400
Career and Technical Education (H.304) - May 1, 2024
Chelsea Myers (Associate Executive Director of the Vermont Superintendents Association) testified in the House Education Committee on Wednesday concerning S.304, which deals Career and Technical Education. She noted that VSA had two stakeholder feedback meetings in late 2023. Several core themes emerged from the first meeting including:
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Municipal Ethics (H.875) - April 24, 2024
Chairwoman Hardy asked Legislative Council to do a walk thru of H.875, the Ethics Bill. Her purpose was to make sure she had a complete list of outstanding items.
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Pat Mcdonald published Career and Technical Education (S.304) - April 24, 2024 in News 2024-04-28 07:49:21 -0400
Career and Technical Education (S.304) - April 24, 2024
Chairman Conlon noted for the House Education Committee that the testimony they had received to date on S.304 was concerning to him, particularly with regards to unfunded mandates and transportation to stand-alone schools. He noted that the APA report (Study on the Funding and Governance of Career and Technical Education in Vermont) focused on funding and governance and S.304 does neither. He added that time was not on their side at this point in the session, and he was not sure what he could get done.
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Municipal Ethics (H.875) - April 19, 2024
Christina Sivret (Executive Director, Vermont State Ethics Commission) thanked Senate Government Operations Committee for their comments on bill. She continued on to propose changes to the current language, which addresses many issues of concern in numerous areas to include the sections on disclosure, voluntary compliance, assets from individual stockholdings, loans, conflicts known to applicant. Chairwoman Hardy was pleased that many of the changes are addressing concerns based on previous testimony.
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Pat Mcdonald published Workforce Development Governance (H.707) - April 19, 2024 in News 2024-04-20 18:37:56 -0400
Workforce Development Governance (H.707) - April 19, 2024
Representative Marcotte presented a high-level overview of H.707 for the Senate Economic Development Committee. He introduced himself and noted that he was Chair of both House Commerce and Economic Development as well as the SOCWED, a special committee designed to review how best to approach workforce development in Vermont.
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Pat Mcdonald published Divestment of Pension Funds (S.42) - April 16, 2024 in News 2024-04-20 16:21:57 -0400
Divestment of Pension Funds (S.42) - April 16, 2024
Tom Golonka (Chair, Vermont Pension Investment Commission (VPIC)) thanked the House Government Operations Committee on Tuesday for listening to VPIC and the pension boards. He noted that what they do is a tremendous obligation, and they take it very seriously, including the climate change problem. There is a 5-point plan that VPIC did which is on their website which he encouraged the Committee to read.
Golonka cautioned that the decisions of the Legislature do have an impact on the underfunding of the pension funds. As an example, in 1970 the Legislature underfunded the pensions by $1M which today would be valued at $150M. He reiterated that seemingly little changes matter and impact the funding status of the pension plans.
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Municipal Ethics (H.875) - April 16, 2024
The Senate Government Operations Committee spent their committee time listening to twelve individuals who were slated to testify on H.875. Chairwoman Hardy also noted the numerous written testimonies that were on their webpage with comments on the bill.
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Pat Mcdonald published Fossil Fuel Divestment (S.42) - April 11, 2024 in News 2024-04-14 10:09:54 -0400
Fossil Fuel Divestment (S.42) - April 11, 2024
The House Government Operations Committee heard from several presenters Thursday morning speaking on S.42, which would seek to divest public pension funds of fossil fuel investments.
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Municipal Ethics (H.875) - April 11, 2024
The Senate Government Operations Committee returned to the ethics bill, H.875 on Thursday afternoon. Chairwoman Hardy noted that they have been given an overview from Legislative Counsel and that Christina Sivret (Executive Director, Ethics Commission) would be the first individual testifying on the bill. She introduced TJ Jones, an ethics expert consulting for the Commission. Sivret noted that it is a very long bill and provided several documents of written testimony, including highlights of areas of interest, quick summary of, and unfunded mandates. She also provided a report from January on the proposed municipal ethics framework for Vermont.
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Pat Mcdonald published Career and Technical Education (H.304) - April 10,2024 in News 2024-04-13 18:38:55 -0400
Career and Technical Education (H.304) - April 10,2024
Senator Weeks presented the bill, S.304, to the House Education Committee on Wednesday morning. To introduce the topic, he showed them a picture of a cruiser. He said that while he served as a U.S. Naval Captain, 90% of the crew did not have any post-secondary degrees. They were technicians, electricians, etc. But many of them did take advantage of CTE and GED programs to better prepare themselves for the future. Weeks noted he had a great deal of respect for them. He noted that there was a wide range of ages among the sailors who wanted to get their GET and CTE certificates.
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Adult Education - April 10, 2024
The Senate Education Committee reviewed adult education on Wednesday afternoon. Testifying first was Senator Westman who brought Representative Mihaly with him. Chairman Campion noted that the discussion before the Committee deals with the 60/40 split for adult education between the Education Fund and General Fund for adult education programs. Westman noted that going back before last year and over a period of some time there has been a large and targeted shift from the Education Fund to the General Fund, but he argued that regardless of age they are all students trying to get their high school degree. Last year a summer study was put together to review this issue and to make recommendations which they did this legislative session.
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Pat Mcdonald published Government Accountability (H.702) - April 4, 2024 in News 2024-04-07 08:23:30 -0400
Government Accountability (H.702) - April 4, 2024
Representative Boyden reported H.702 to the Senate Government Operations Committee on Thursday.
She noted there are two distinct sections of the bill:
- The creation of a Joint Oversight and Accountability Committee
- The establishment of a working group to review the State’s grant process
Flood Recovery - April 5, 2024
Kristin Warner (Public Policy Manager, VBSR) spoke to the Senate Economic Development on the creation of a new flood relief program called FRAP (Flood Relief Assistance Program). This program was originally in H.723, but was not taken up by any committee. An amendment containing the language creating FRAP was proposed on the House floor but was defeated. VBSR is asking the Committee to take testimony on this bill.
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Pat Mcdonald published VOTE: Career and Technical Education (S.304) - March 29, 2024 in News 2024-03-30 12:42:56 -0400
VOTE: Career and Technical Education (S.304) - March 29, 2024
Senator Weeks offered an amendment to S.304 on the Senate Floor Friday on behalf of the Committee on Education. The amendment was a strike-all which would provide students in grade six through eight with career enrichment and exposure to their regional Career and Technical Education (CTE) Center. The bill also provides students enrolled in grades nine and ten a genuine opportunity to participate fully in pre-tch and exploratory career and technical courses.
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Pat Mcdonald published Housing Bill & Income Tax Surcharge (H.829) - March 27, 2024 in News 2024-03-30 11:20:27 -0400
Housing Bill & Income Tax Surcharge (H.829) - March 27, 2024
The House Ways & Means Committee reviewed H.829 on Wednesday. This bill as originally proposed by Representative Stevens to restore, enhance, and supplement elements of Vermont’s pandemic-era housing policy that ceased with the termination of federal pandemic aid by implementing permanent upstream eviction protections and other rental housing policies to preserve housing stability for both tenants and property owners, including by creating a rental registry; allocating resources for eviction diversion; modernizing policies on just cause evictions, rent increases, and security deposits; and creating programs for property owners to access funding to remediate damages created during recent tenancies.
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Pat Mcdonald published Municipal Ethics (H.875) - March 26-27, 2024 in News 2024-03-30 10:51:52 -0400
Municipal Ethics (H.875) - March 26-27, 2024
The House Government Operations Committee heard from Representative Brennan on Tuesday who, on behalf of the Town of Colchester, proposed an amendment to H.875 (the municipal ethics bill) which would require towns who have established policies and procedures on Ethics to be exempt from the entirety of the Bill upon submitting a letter from the legislative body to the State Ethics Commission by December 31st of each year certifying that the municipality has adopted an ethics policy and framework that does not conflict with the state standards.
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Flexible Pathways - March 26, 2024
The Senate Education Committee held a presentation on Tuesday afternoon on the Flexible Pathways Initiative, created by Act 77 of 2013, which encourages and supports the creativity of school districts as they develop and expand high-quality educational experiences that are an integral part of secondary education in the evolving 21st century classroom.
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Pat Mcdonald published Career and Technical Education - March 21, 2024 in News 2024-03-24 14:32:53 -0400
Career and Technical Education - March 21, 2024
On Thursday, Gus Seelig (Executive Director, Vermont Housing and Conservation Board) talked to the House Commerce Committee about his annual report and the pictures and write-ups of all the projects they have been involved in throughout the State. But today they are focusing on housing and workforce development. Seelig mentioned that the Chair had asked him to work with the Career Technical Centers to focus on housing and workforce development in the construction/developer careers. He noted that he and Will Belongia (Executive Director, Vermont Community Loan Fund) had talked to CTE Directors throughout the state to find out what is needed. They said they need more students interested in the construction/housing field.
Pat Mcdonald
Pat McDonald’s distinguished career includes 20 years in a wide range of leadership positions throughout state and local government. She served as Commissioner of Labor, Commissioner of Employment and Training, Secretary of Transportation, Deputy Commissioner of Education, Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, and Commissioner of Human Resources (twice) under the Republican and Democratic Administrations of Governors Snelling, Dean and Douglas.
Pat also served as Chair of the Berlin Selectboard and a member of Berlin’s Town Center Task Force, Post Office Committee and Capital Budget and Planning Committee. On a county level, she also volunteered on the Vermont Rural Development Council and Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission.
In 2006 and 2008, Pat was elected to the Vermont House, representing Berlin and Barre City.
While Pat’s leadership qualities are well-suited to public service, she also has approximately 25 years of private-sector experience. She worked for nineteen years at CIBA-GEIGY Corporation in Ardsley, New York, in the human resources department and Office of General Counsel. After she moved to Vermont in 1988, she spent three and a half years at Merchants Bank as Vice-President of Human Resources and Regulatory Management.
In her private life, Pat has served on the Vermont Prevent Child Abuse Board of Vermont as well as the Vermont Granite Museum Board of Directors, and Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice. Pat also served as Chair of the Barre Bike Path Committee.
Pat is married to retired State Police Captain J. Bruce McDonald. Along with her daughter Stacey, Pat has two stepsons, Jim and Jack; and four grandchildren, Zacary, Ryan, Carson and Wyatt. She enjoys the opera, cooking, camping, and touring Vermont’s scenic backroads and covered bridges on her motorcycle. She and her husband are also avid RV campers.
Pat is the founder, host and producer of Vote for Vermont (VFV LLC.), an hour-long community affairs public access TV show which brings viewers a thorough and unique insight into Vermont’s pressing and challenging issues so they can be an informed voter and civic participant. In 2017 VFV joined collaboratively with Campaign for Vermont Prosperity and expanded its programming to reach Vermonters through various social media sources. For the past two years Pat has also served as President of the Board of Directors for Campaign for Vermont Prosperity and as of October 2022, Pat is a guest host for Vermont Viewpoint on WDEV on Tuesday and Thursday.