Response to Don Tinney (VT-NEA) Remarks

Vermont taxpayers hard hit by the recent property tax increases and in the line of fire for another increase this year may be alarmed to know Don Tinney, the President of the state teachers’ union, recently said “We’re not spending too much money on education. We’re having a difficult time funding it.”

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Jan 18, 2025 Legislative Update

We are of to the races! The first week of the legislative session was as active as you would expect as a flood of new legislators sought to get up to speed on big issues like education spending, health care costs, and carbon-pricing.

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Vermont Population Growth: Why it Matters

A thriving, prosperous state is a goal that all Vermonters can agree to. That goal is easier to achieve with a growing population.

More people means a larger selection of workers for businesses, government, and non-profits. It means more people earning incomes, supporting local businesses, and paying taxes to support government programs—many of which serve the neediest of our citizens. A growing economy means more opportunities for us and our children.

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Letter to Commission on the Future of Education

Good evening, I wanted to be sure that the Commission took the recent Education Outcomes & Spending report from Campaign for Vermont into consideration. As well as the original report from 2014 that Tom Pelham and I co-authored.

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Letter to Senate Pro Tem RE Education Chair

Senator Baruth,

I’m sure it is not lost on you how important the pick for committee chair of Education is at this moment in time. Vermont is in the midst of an education spending crisis that will take care, attention, and perspective to address. Who is steering the education policy ship in the Senate will matter a great deal as the legislature rises to meet this challenge.

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CFV Releases Education Spending & Outcomes Report

Today, Campaign for Vermont Prosperity (CFV) released a report looking at education data in Vermont to help identify opportunities for cost savings and better performance. A decade after Act 46, it’s clear that district consolidation was not the answer. Education spending has skyrocketed while outcomes have declined.

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No Victory on Property Taxes This Year

As a property taxpayer, I was relieved to see that the December 1st letter from the Tax Commissioner did not warn of another double-digit tax increase. However, as a public policy advocate, that relief dissipated as I dug into the details.

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CFV Releases Wealth Migration Report

Today we released a report examining migration patterns into and out of the state using Census and Internal Revenue Service data.

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Wind For Trees – A (Vermont) Educational Initiative

As humans, we love to follow the path of least resistance, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that our technologically administered society has embraced the trifecta of quick, simple, and easy. As technical innovations have brought the whole world on demand and within easy reach of our fingertips, the pursuit of the “here and now” has triumphed over delayed gratification; we aim to numb ourselves from all friction, pain, and aggravation. Lest we prematurely and euphorically celebrate our perceived triumphs over such friction, we might pause and inquire as to the cost? What might be the unintended consequences to our personal well-being and performance as we continue along this trajectory?

So much of our resilience is forged in the crucible of discomfort. Muscles and mental acuity both require resistance and stimulation; like a body builder working out at a gym or a scholar studying for long hours. Inertia and inaction lead to boredom and frailty. Where will we acquire our grit, our perseverance, our anti-fragility in a world served up with the click of a button or voice command? In particular, where will the youth of today experience these things when the accelerationism surrounding AI promises to reduce our cognitive load in the same manner that earth moving machines and relieved the burdens on our muscles? How has this already impacted education? How will it impact it in the future?

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CFV Hiring Executive Director

Campaign for Vermont is hiring! After years of being a board-run organization we are looking to staff up again to address major legislative initiatives.

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