Campaign for Vermont is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy group. We advocate for common sense policies that will help middle class Vermonters. We strictly maintain our nonpartisan role and therefore do not endorse candidates or parties. We are an issue-based organization. However, we maintain positions on multiple issues that affect Vermonters. Our principle positions can be found here:
Economic Development
Vermont needs a vibrant economy where everyone has an opportunity to succeed. This is the underpinning of most of our policy positions. We have proposed policies that will generate more and better paying jobs while lessening the financial burden on Vermont's middle class through tax reforms.
Sustainable Spending
The fiscal ship of state has been mismanaged. Over the past five years, spending has grown at an annual rate of 5.45% while revenue has grown by less than half that rate. We have proposed a more sustainable budget model that would put our state on a path toward sustainability without gutting state government or unfairly burdening taxpayers.
A vibrant economy requires a well-educated population. We advocate for policies that strengthen the public education system. This includes investing more in the classroom and less on administration. Our position also includes strengthening local control of school administration and spending decisions.
Human Services
More Vermonters depend on the Agency of Human Services for direct support than any other state Agency. And it comprised 43% of the state workforce and 45% of general fund spending. We can't afford anything less than excellence. Our position calls upon the Agency of Human Services to implement reforms that have been talked about for years.
Government Transparency
A transparent government is a good government. Rather, you can't have good governance without open government. We have proposed policies that require the disclosure of how our government is spending our tax dollars and which expenditures are generating the intended outcome. We have also pushed for the requiring of open meetings when decisions are made by our government that affect us.
We have proposed reforms to Vermont's ethics laws that would require the disclosure of financial interest by our legislators and public officials.
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