Financial Sustainability

So what’s the big deal? Should we be concerned because the state budget has grown by 22% or $908.7 million since 2008?

Well, if you work hard for your money, are struggling to make ends meet, or rely on state services, especially our human service programs, then understanding the state budget is very important.

The fiscal mistakes made by state leaders in the late 1980’s had costly financial and social consequences. Aggressive spending during that period put our state in debt, caused the downgrading of our bond rating, pushed taxes up by extraordinary amounts and most importantly, undermined the financial stability of state services important to the most vulnerable Vermonters for years to come.

Over the 18 years following that fiscal debacle, Governors Snelling, Dean and Douglas applied sustainable spending standards. Sustainable spending means keeping the growth of state government in line with the growth of the economy. Sustainable spending brings stability to our state’s finances and assures Vermonters, especially those reliant on state services, that services will be available through thick or thin, in good times as well as bad.

Campaign for Vermont believes in good government, efficient government, and smart government. Read our full, detailed position statement on how to bring sustainability back to our budget process.

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