Help us help you save $500

Email Blast Sent to Supporters on May 30, 2017. Subscribe!


Because the Legislature failed to take action on a plan to save Vermont property taxpayers up to $350 million, we have extended our fundraising campaign to engage lawmakers over the summer and start a pilot project to begin reinvesting in our education system NOW.

Vermont is well-positioned to meet increasing demand for access to American education systems:

  • International applications for U.S. student visas have increased 300% since 2008.
  • Vermont's public school system has the capacity to meet this demand (having lost 20,000 students since 1998).
  • Small classroom sizes and good educational outcomes make Vermont schools attractive to these students.
  • Three public high schools in Vermont are already doing this!

Filling just half of our excess capacity (about 10,000 students) would:

  • Generate $350 million in taxpayer savings (about $550 per person). 
  • Reduce tax rates up 30%. 
  • Diversify our student population (one of the most homogenous in the country.)
  • Create more educational opportunities for Vermont students.


Support the Initiative


You are probably aware that Governor Scott has vetoed the marijuana legalization bill. However, he did set parameters for what kind of bill he would sign. The Governor wants to see more protections for youth and highway safety.

S.22 passed the House with a 79-66 vote, meaning that reaching the 2/3rd majority to override a veto is unlikely this year. Further, the rules would have to be suspended to take up the issue during the June 21st legislative session. House Republicans have vowed to block this from happening.

If the legislature were to address Governor Scott’s concerns and return with a compromise bill they might be able to bring it up in the summer session, but this still seems unlikely without support from the Administration. Chances are the bill will sit until January.


VT Yankee
NorthStar systems is applying to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the State of Vermont to purchase the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant from Entergy. The sale would transfer both the property and the decommissioning fund to NorthStar.

NorthStar claims to be able to decommission the site in less than half the time that Entergy would, making the site available for redevelopment by 2030 instead of the 2070’s.

Advocates argue that the sale will create economic activity in Windham county through an accelerated decommissioning process and quicker redevelopment of the site, which has significant utility infrastructure. However, some are concerned about a transfer of liability and who will be responsible if a problem occurs.


Got ideas?
We are gearing up for our summer research campaigns, let us know if you have any ideas for us to consider as we look at ways to make our state more prosperous for ALL Vermonters. Write us at [email protected]



Stay vigilant,


Benjamin Kinsley
Executive Director
Campaign for Vermont Prosperity

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