Earlier this month Campaign for Vermont informed you that we asked the five leading candidates for Governor detailed and focused questions regarding:
- the state budget
- Act 46 and property taxes
- healthcare policy
- statewide energy policy
- ethics in government and
- strategic planning for state government
Candidates Dunne, Lisman and Scott have responded with substantive answers. Despite repeated outreach via emails and phone calls, candidates Minter and Galbraith have yet to respond.
Here is the link to Campaign for Vermont’s questions and the candidates’ written responses.
We hope these responses are helpful to you in making your decision on who best will serve Vermont as our next Governor.
Please join the conversation on these issues on Campaign for Vermont's Face Book page.
Be Well,
Campaign for Vermont
We believe Campaign for Vermont offers substantive insight, information and advocacy on a non-partisan basis relative to Vermont's affordability crisis. We hope you have found value in the above presentation. A contribution of $50 dollars, $100 dollars or more would be greatly appreciated and well used to keep us working hard for you. We do recognize that not all of our supporters can afford this so a donation in any amount is highly valued. Please support Campaign for Vermont with a donation.
And visit us on Facebook or Twitter too!