Letter to Senate Pro Tem RE Education Chair

Senator Baruth,

I’m sure it is not lost on you how important the pick for committee chair of Education is at this moment in time. Vermont is in the midst of an education spending crisis that will take care, attention, and perspective to address. Who is steering the education policy ship in the Senate will matter a great deal as the legislature rises to meet this challenge.

New information has come to light since we originally sent this letter. Please see update below.

While we do not have a specific candidate to recommend at this time, I am writing today to raise concerns about one potential candidate for this position. Senator Martine Gulick is (at least as recently as 2023) on the payroll of the Vermont School Boards Association, which (as you know) is a lobbying organization active in the state house. In addition to that, her largest donors in this year’s election were also from lobbying organizations active in the education policy space. In fact, three out of the four max donations to her campaign were from such organizations.
This is an inherent conflict of interest to have a person employed, or even recently employed, by a lobbying organization leading a policy-making committee. We would strongly recommend you look for other candidates to fill the position of Senate Education Chair.
I realize that this may put you in an awkward position as she is your seatmate and you campaigned together, however I am hopeful that you will overcome this obstacle and do the right thing for Vermonters by appointing someone independent and thoughtful to this position who can rise to the occasion.


On Behalf of Vermonters,


Ben Kinsley
Interim Executive Director, Campaign for Vermont


CFV is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy organization comprised of over 20,000 Vermonters and dedicated to the vision of a more prosperous Vermont and growing middle class. They seek to accomplish these goals by reconnecting Vermonters to their government and advocating for more transparent and accountable policymaking.

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