This story appeared in the Brattleboro Reformer on September 13th. Read the full story here.
"After much discussion and disagreement, the Shaftsbury School District board voted to send Jeff Leake to represent their interests at the Southwest Vermont Supervisory Union's Act 46 study committee."
"Board member Larry Johnson brought the board's attention back to the Regional Education District meetings of 2010, which did not end up resulting in consolidation, and asked what the difference was this time.
'What's different is that the state has put teeth into Act 46 that is king of holding our feet to the fire on this,' said Culkeen. 'We can't ignore it, we have to study it, or we run the risk that within five years they could come down here and consolidate us to their liking, and not ours."
"Johnson brought up the efforts by members of the legislature and outside groups to overturn Act 46, most notably a threatened lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union, on the grounds that the spending cap imposed by the law violates the state's equity provision, and Campaign for Vermont, which is also targeting the spending cap, and says that the law will actually raise taxes for Vermonters, rather than lower them. Tom Pelham, co-founder of Campaign for Vermont, has pointed out that the tax relief incentives for districts that merge is being paid for by other districts.
'That doesn't come from God, it comes from the districts that decide not to merge,' he was quoted by Vermont Digger as saying."
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