Small Group Insurance Markets (S.54)

S.54 was introduced by Senators Cummings, Perchlik, Watson, and Wrenner with the intent of extending the separation between the individual and small group markets in Vermont Health Connect through plan year 2025.

The bill would force registered insurance carriers to offer separate individual and family health benefit plans in the individual market and to small employers in the small group market. Community ratings would apply to both sets of plans with separate rate calculations and approvals from the Green Mountain Care Board.

It was introduced on the Senate floor on February 1st, 2023, and it was sent to the Committee on Finance, which found it favorable. It was again read in the Senate on February 14th. The bill was read a third time in the Senate on February 15th when it passed and was sent to the House.

The first reading in the House was on February 16th, and it was sent to the House Health Care Committee.

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