Email blast sent to supporters October 23, 2016
Something slipped by many in the Vermont media earlier this month: Kiplinger released its list of tax-friendly states to retire. Vermont Ranked #1 for least tax friendly for retirees. They looked at a number of factors including sales tax, income tax and what it applies to, social security, pensions, property taxes, and estate taxes.
Additionally, the report does not consider the growth rate of living expenses in Vermont such as utilities, health care, and property taxes. These are particularly onerous for Vermonters on fixed incomes. Often, the end result is either fewer discretionary expenditures or part-time work. Both are likely to lead to lower quality of life for retirees.
Vermonters have a proud history of protecting our most vulnerable, among which are our children and elderly. It is time we address the growth in expenses for retirees before they are entirely forced onto public assistance.
Please take time to read the link above and let us know your ideas for making Vermont more affordable, because your voice is important. People speaking out for issues they believe in is how we can make Vermont an affordable place for all. Campaign for Vermont is your voice in Montpelier. We hope that you will join us and make sure your voice is heard.
We have launched a challenge to get 100 new Supporting Partners by the end of the year. For a small monthly donation, Supporting Partners help to support an organization that is effecting positive change in our state. Supporting Partners also benefit from special legislative updates and free admission to some events!
Your support of $10, $25, or $50 a month allows us to keep fighting for you in Montpelier.
Be well,
George Clain
Board Member
Campaign for Vermont Prosperity
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