Vermont's High Cost of Living is Only Getting Higher

Email Blast Sent to Supporters on December 28, 2017. Subscribe!

Dear Friends,

empty_classroom_-_small.jpgVermont has lost 20,000 students over the past two decades, with little change to the number of teachers, staff and administrators. Governor Scott recently announced Vermonters can expect another property tax increase to the tune of 7 percent or more. New school mergers promise little in the way of savings.

Simply put, our education funding system is pricing Vermonters out of the state and it’s unacceptable.

What is the solution? Decreasing costs is proving complicated and less than effective. Just look at Act 46 as an example, which shows no sign of proving its value.

International_Boy_-_small.jpgWhat if we increased revenue? Campaign for Vermont (CFV) will be introducing and advocating for a proposal to encourage international high school students to study in our state. Similar proposals have been implemented elsewhere in the United States with great success. CFV’s International Student proposal will generate revenue (around $39,000 per student in additional revenue and provide for the potential of up to $100,000,000 in secondary economic impact), address school-funding gaps, diversify our student population, and ultimately over time lower your property taxes.

This is an incredible opportunity for significant social and economic benefit, but we need your help to make it a reality.

Please make a year-end contribution so that we can fight for you. Your support goes directly toward putting a strong, independent voice in the statehouse whose only agenda is a prosperous Vermont.



Ben Kinsley

Executive Director, Campaign for Vermont Prosperity

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