Eric LaMontagne

For nearly a decade Eric worked as the communications and development director for Lake Champlain International, a non-profit dedicated to conserving & revitalizing Lake Champlain & its watershed. In 2017 he took over as Executive Director of CFV and served two years leading the organization.

Eric now works as a web strategist and UI/UX designer responsible for client communication and relationship management, and am accountable for maintaining timeline and budget. I work collaboratively with clients across many industries to educate them on the importance of a user-first online experience, and then create comprehensive UX and content strategies, build wireframes, and optimize conversion opportunities. I oversee projects from start to finish and take pride in delighting every customer with whom I work.

  • published Vermont's Supplemental Budget Adjustment in News 2020-05-28 12:46:25 -0400

    Vermont's Supplemental Budget Adjustment

    Vermont’s Supplement Budget Adjustments due to the current pandemic have been in the news recently. But how many Vermonters know what it is and what impact it has on the State’s yearly budget? 

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  • published ILO Director-General makes case for CTE in News 2020-05-27 13:08:26 -0400

    ILO Director-General makes case for CTE

    High-level supporting arguments for investing in skills-based and applied-science training. 
    "Guy Ryder, ILO [International Labor Organization] director-general, said if young people’s 'talent and energy is side-lined by a lack of opportunity or skills it will damage all our futures and make it much more difficult to re-build a better, post-COVID economy.'
    He argued that 'significant and immediate action' needed to be taken to improve their situation, with the ILO recommending programs guaranteeing employment and training be implemented in both developed, as well as low- and middle-income economies."

  • published The skeleton is too big for the closet in News 2020-05-20 12:03:08 -0400

  • published Good news for NEK young professionals in News 2020-02-06 13:00:44 -0500

    Good news for NEK young professionals

    As reported by Newport Dispatch News, young professionals networking in the Northeast Kingdom recently got a boost.

    "The Northeast Kingdom Young Professionals Network (NEK YPN) recently received a $3,000 grant from the Vermont Community Foundation’s Northeast Kingdom Fund.

    The grant will help further NEK YPN’s mission of supporting young professionals both socially and professionally by expanding outreach efforts and promoting a new Welcome Wagon Program."

    Read the full article here. 

  • published Remote Worker Grant Program Update in News 2019-10-03 16:32:31 -0400

    Remote Worker Grant Program Update

    The Remote Worker Grant Program (RWGP) is an economic development initiative launched by the VT legislature in 2018. The RWGP provides funds to professionals who want to relocate to Vermont but still maintain employment out-of-state. These funds are used to offset their cost of moving here. According to the Agency of Commerce and Community Development’s Department of Economic Development (ACCD), the managing entity of this program, this program benefits Vermonters “by increasing the population of taxpayers in the state as well as increasing the number of children enrolled in Vermont schools. It also helps to build the employment base as Vermont faces a workforce shortage and employers are struggling to find workers.”

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  • published Our Unique Opportunity in News 2019-09-30 15:00:18 -0400

    Our Unique Opportunity

    Vermont, we have a unique opportunity on our hands. When the legislative session kicks off this January, lawmakers will be asked to re-allocate funds for the newly created Ethics Committee, and in doing so take a critical step towards a foundational element of a more prosperous state. It is up to us to demand action. If we cannot trust government officials to act in our best interest, then reforms in healthcare, education, and economic development will never reach their full potential.

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  • published Commentary: Case Closed in News 2019-02-22 13:21:47 -0500

    Commentary: Case Closed

    Editor’s note: This commentary is by Don Keelan, a retired certified public accountant and resident of Arlington. The piece first appeared in the Bennington Banner.

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  • Penny wise, pound foolish: closing the Salisbury Hatchery doesn’t make long-term financial sense.

    Nearly two out of every three Vermont residents hunt, fish or watch wildlife. This is second only to Alaska as a percentage of population participation in these activities. In fact, according to a 2015 University of Vermont study, “the most recent national survey of wildlife-related expenditures, Vermont residents and out-of-state visitors spent approximately $685 million a year on hunting, fishing, and wildlife viewing (U.S Fish and Wildlife Service 2012).”

    Looking at the latest annual numbers from the American Sportfishing Association, fishing in Vermont by residents and non-residents generates $147.1 million in retail sales, resulting in an additional $225 million of economic impact. It supports more than 2400 jobs and $73.2 million in wages and salaries, while generating $15.9 million in local and state tax revenues.

    From the die-hard to the weekend-warrior, the seven-generation Vermonter to the traveling vacationer, Vermont’s angling community has a significant impact on Vermont’s bottom line.

    So why does it, in the eyes of the State, make sense to jeopardize this entire industry for want of $250,000?

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  • answered 2019-01-29 15:44:40 -0500
    Q: Do you support additional authority for the Ethics Commission?
    A: Yes

    Ethics Authority Survey

    Vermonters deserve to have confidence in our public officials. That is why the Ethics Commission was created: to promote and practice the highest level of ethical standards and accountability in state government. In their own words, "The Commission provides governmental ethics training to all public officials, accepts complaints of governmental misconduct, provides information to the public, and issues ethical guidance and advisory opinions by interpreting and applying state law, governmental codes of conduct, and the General Principles set forth in Section 1 of the State Code of Ethics ."

    Take the survey

  • signed up on Join Us 2017-11-22 05:36:15 -0500

    Join Us

    Our mission is to advocate for public policy changes by reconnecting middle-class Vermonters to their government. Thousands of Vermonters have signed up to be a part of the largest grassroots organization in the state, we hope you will join us.

    Joining Campaign for Vermont is free and does not obligate you to support any positions we may take.

    Sign up

Former Development Director at Lake Champlain International. Former Executive Director at Campaign for Vermont. Current web strategiest.
$60.00 raised
GOAL: $35,000.00


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