Workforce and Economic Development (H.484) - May 2-3, 2023

In preparation to receive H.484 back from the Senate, the House Commerce Committee began digging into the differences between their version of the bill and the Senate's version on Tuesday.

The Joint Fiscal Office began walking through the comparison:

  House Senate
AOE Adult Education & Literacy $1.5M -
Vermont 250th Commission - $117K
Department of Corrections - $500K
Serve, Learn & Earn $2.4M $2.3M
Advance Vermont $100K -
Sustainable Jobs Fund $180K -
UVM Office of Engagement $2.5M -
VSC Restorative Justice Program $700K $500K
AHS United Way $255K -
ACD Regional Investment $5M ???
Reach Up - $1M
Relocated Worker - $1M
Total One-Time Spending $44M $37.3M

The Committee expected the Senate to vote the bill out within the next day or two.

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