Linda Joy Sullivan published Housing Opportunities for Everyone (S.100) - April 25-28, 2023 in News 2023-04-30 08:33:47 -0400
Housing Opportunities for Everyone (S.100) - April 25-28, 2023
The House Environment & Energy Committee heard from a few repeat presenters on Wednesday from the Agency of Natural Resources, the Department of Public Service, and Green Mountain Power. They didn't have much new to add to the conversation and one of them even said “I don’t really know what else I can offer to help you.”
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Linda Joy Sullivan published Housing Opportunities for Everyone (S.100) - April 18-21, 2023 in News 2023-04-22 18:25:23 -0400
Housing Opportunities for Everyone (S.100) - April 18-21, 2023
On Tuesday, the housing bill, S.100, was moved to the House Environment & Energy Committee on the House floor.
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Linda Joy Sullivan published Housing Opportunities for Everyone (S.100) - April 13, 2023 in News 2023-04-16 07:47:39 -0400
Housing Opportunities for Everyone (S.100) - April 13, 2023
Susan Minter (Executive Director, Capstone Community Action) shared with the House General & Housing Committee on Thursday a report by the Community Action Team reiterating that housing was needed. Minter gave a very similar presentation to the one given in the Senate regarding S.100. The same risks were identified as in the Senate the same powerful stories that demonstrated the need for more housing.
She reiterated, again, that there was no focus on Act 250 or business issues addressed in the bill. Even so, Minter supported the bill as it was.
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Linda Joy Sullivan published Housing Opportunities for Everyone (S.100) - April 12, 2023 in News 2023-04-15 20:50:41 -0400
Housing Opportunities for Everyone (S.100) - April 12, 2023
Alex Weinhagen (President, Vermont Planners Association) spoke to the House Environment & Energy Committee on Wednesday about housing and permit reform legislation. He gave an overview with his opinion on the housing crisis and explained that State and local government can and should take action in the areas over which they have control. The Vermont Planners Association (VPA) strongly supports modernizing municipal land use regulations, state permitting reform (e.g., wastewater, stormwater, building codes, and Act 250), as well as changes to expedite development review appeals processes. This final point is one of the main focuses of S.100.
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Linda Joy Sullivan published Housing Opportunities for Everyone (S.100) - March 28-31, 2023 in News 2023-04-01 22:37:33 -0400
Housing Opportunities for Everyone (S.100) - March 28-31, 2023
Anne Sosin (Interim Director, Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition) spoke to the House General & Housing Committee on Thursday about Housing and Homelessness. She cast homelessness as a housing problem and a "policy choice," reiterating that they are "aligned" with other advocates supporting the S.100 housing bill.
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Linda Joy Sullivan published Rental Housing Registry (H.276) - March 28-31, 2023 in News 2023-04-01 21:36:50 -0400
Rental Housing Registry (H.276) - March 28-31, 2023
On Tuesday, the House General and Housing Committee did a walk through of H.276 with Legislative Counsel. The bill essentially requires landlords provide identifying information on the owner, landlord, property manager and other identifying information about the unit, location of the unit, and construction of the unit by March of next year.
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Linda Joy Sullivan published Housing Opportunities Made for Everyone (S.100) - March 21-24, 2023 in News 2023-03-25 15:03:16 -0400
Housing Opportunities Made for Everyone (S.100) - March 21-24, 2023
This week the Senate Natural Resources Committee focused mainly on amendments and wording changes to S.100 and the amendments being offered. These language changes dealing with definitions of downtown development districts, areas affected by municipal sewers infrastructure and wastewater systems.
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Linda Joy Sullivan published House Opportunities Relating to Everyone (S.100) in News 2023-03-04 21:01:35 -0500
House Opportunities Relating to Everyone (S.100)
The Senate Committee on Natural Resources took up S.100 on Wednesday, with written testimony from Dr. David J. Weissgold.
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Linda Joy Sullivan published Omnibus Housing Bill (S.100) - Feb 21 - 24, 2023 in News 2023-02-25 14:40:37 -0500
Omnibus Housing Bill (S.100): Feb 21 - 24, 2023
The Senate Economic Development Committee continued to do mark up of the Omnibus Housing Bill on Tuesday with two members of the Committee absent. Chairwoman Ram Hinsdale stated that she presumed that the absent Committee Members were aligned with moving in the direction that the Committee was going with mark-up of the bill. This, however, contradicts Senator Brock’s statement of last week where he went on record as to not being comfortable with this Bill.
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Linda Joy Sullivan published Omnibus Housing Bill: Feb 14-17, 2023 in News 2023-02-19 14:19:21 -0500
Omnibus Housing Bill: Feb 14-17, 2023
This week the Senate Economic Development Committee reached the mark-up stage of their Omnibus Housing Bill. There was discussion in the Committee that many local governments in Vermont were unhappy with the duplex by right governing authority that is being taken away in this bill. Barre Town was particularly not pleased. The Chair tried to justify that it was not taking authority from local government but was more dealing with the homeowner. Even so, the Committee believed this was a huge change and expressed concerns.
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Linda Joy Sullivan
Linda has been a practicing CPA, financial auditor, and forensic investigator for nearly 25 years in Florida, New York, and Vermont. She graduated magna cum laude from the Thomas Jefferson School of Law with distinguished honors in International Taxation and Financial Services. She also acquired an MBA from the New York Institute of Technology, a B.A. in Psychology from New School University, and conducted graduate work in Learning Disabilities & Special Education at the Brooklyn College Graduate School.
As a Certified Public Accountant and member of Professional Responsibilities subcommittee, she has served as a court-appointed expert on Human Trafficking issues and as a receiver for some of Vermont's highest profile receiverships. She is an expert at getting to the bottom of things. Her accomplishments in these areas are really too numerous to list here, but we think it is fair to say that her track record in Vermont is unrivaled.
Linda has also sought to pass on her knowledge and experience, as an Adjunct Instructor of Auditing and Tax at Lynn University. She also served as a Paralegal Instructor and Special Program Director at Southern Career Institute. She has held teaching licenses in both New York and Florida where she taught high school English, Spanish, and Theater.
If her professional record wasn't impressive enough, she has served on over a dozen non-profits - everything from the Bennington County Habitat for Humanity to the Children Survival Network and the Vermont Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force. In 2016 she was elected to the Vermont House from the Bennington-Rutland district and served three terms in that seat. During her time in the state house, Linda was known as a moderate legislator, an independent thinker, and a straight-shooter.
For fun, Linda is a professional Choreographer and Master Tap Dance Instructor (for about 40 years). She lives with her Husband in Dorset, Vermont.